1. What is the starting age?

Children develop at different rates. To get the best benefit from Taekwondo, an age of at least 5 is recommended. It is best if the child can follow instructions, tell left from right, and be able to attend a class of 45 minutes to an hour.

  1. Can I see a class before signing up?

Yes, in fact it is encouraged! Email, contact an instructor before a class, or check the schedule and visit at the appropriate training time to see if it meets your expectations. Remember that there are many things that will be covered during the course of training. A single class may be focused on developing one single technique.

  1. Can I watch the class?

Yes. There is an assigned viewing area in the lobby and lounge. There is also a viewing area near the TKD floor where parents/family can watch. This particular area is a privilege afforded us by Midwest Gymnastics as it is very close to their free-form exercise floor, and thus a potentially hazardous area for members and spectators alike. If viewing is allowed in this area, parents are instructed not to let any younger children walk or run free, and not to interfere in the class at any time as it may distract the student. The focus for the student is best put on the instructor during the course of the class. Of course, parental help at home is encouraged.

  1. Can I participate in the childrens’ class?

No. Only Black Belt Instructors are allowed to teach in the children’s class. Other active Taekwondo Members may be enlisted to help with particular techniques.

  1. Will Taekwondo make my child more aggressive?

Taekwondo is intended to teach self-control, respect, and discipline. We can work with the child on any issues, whether of aggression or non-aggression, to help them become a more confident person and to be able to handle the many situations that are possible in an appropriate manner.

  1. Why do you bow?

This is a simple, traditional show of respect for the instructor, other students, and one’s self.

  1. Why is Respect so important?

Children will be encountering authority figures for the rest of their lives. The respect we instill will be helpful in dealing with difficult situations. Our goal is to instill respect for all. From lower to higher rank or younger to older, because of the senior person’s life experience or knowledge. And from higher to lower rank or older to younger, recognizing the quality of the person’s potential to learn.

  1. Why is Discipline so important?

When we talk about discipline, we use it as a noun, not a verb. That is, it is something that comes from within, not something that is imposed from outside. Discipline is “what you make yourself do”, not a punishment for doing something wrong. We help the student discover that they are capable of many things perhaps thought not previously possible.

  1. How long will it take to get to the next belt?

It all depends on the student and how much time and effort the child is putting into training and learning the required techniques for passing to the next level. It is not just a matter of learning just enough to pass, but of performing the technique to the best of their ability at the time. It should be at least a couple months between belt tests, and longer as the rank gets higher.

  1. Why does it cost so much?

The basic non-discounted rate comes to about $20 a week. There is an unlimited number of classes the student can attend as long as it is appropriate to their age, ability, and rank.

  1. My child has ADD/ADHD/Asperger’s Syndrome…

We have found that children diagnosed with these conditions often turn out to be ones to benefit from TKD training the most. With a clear set of rules and expectations, it makes for a comfortable environment where the child can know what to expect.Instructors are trained in CPR

  1. I’m afraid my child will get hurt!

Taekwondo is a martial/fighting art and there will inevitably be a bruise or bump from time to time. Our instructors take the greatest care to make a safe environment. Very rarely is any serious injury incurred during the course of the class.